Anchors – Teachers Talk to Pete EE

Anchors  – Videos

Watch the teachers below explain how they use Anchors in conjunction with other Differentiated Instruction strategies.

Tiering - Math - 3rd Grade - Chris H.

Split Screen - Math - 4th Grade - Kim T.

Anchors as extension activities from the Go Math program runs from 5:00 to 5:38.

Anchors as part of a Management system runs from 3:12 to 4:28.

Tiering - Science - 8th Grade -Eileen D.

Challenge by Choice - Algebra I - 9th Grade - Jess S. and Nancy M.

Anchors as next step runs from 2.40 to 3:12.

Anchors for students who finish the Challenge by Choice early runs from 6:50 to 7:33.

Scaffolding - ELA - 9th Grade - Katie H.

Anchors as part of a Management system runs from 3:02 to 3.58


Guiding Questions


Management One

Management Two

TLS Offers Two Differentiated Instruction Planning Guides