PS Examples

Power Slide ℠ Examples by Level,
5-Day Curriculum Clarity Examples,
and Sample Templates

Below are a variety of lesson Power Slides ℠ at each instructional level. Followed by 5-day Curriculum Clarity Power Slides ℠ examples. At the bottom of the page are K-12 sample templates to consider using for your Power Slide ℠.

Kindergarten Power Slide ℠

Chemistry Power Slide ℠

Daily Examples by Level

Curriculum Clarity 5-Day

Sample Templates

Navigate through the slideshow to the right to view many examples and templates.

Click HERE to make a copy of the slideshow in your own Google account.

Power Slide ℠ Hub


Checklist & Look Fors

Learning Target Resources

Check In, Check On, Check Out Resources

Power Slide ℠ and Danielson Crosswalk