Power Slides ℠

Power Slide – Check in, Check on, Check out ℠: A Simple Structure that Builds Clarity for Teachers and Students

Power Slide – Check in, Check on, Check out ℠ is a simple, yet powerful planning and instructional practice that accelerates student learning by increasing clarity for learning, formalizing ongoing formative assessments and promoting student engagement, growth and autonomy. Teachers find Power Slides practical, valuable and doable. Leaders who establish a culture of planning and instruction based on Power Slides leverage “…easy to understand actions that unleash stunningly powerful consequences” (Fullan 2017). 

Power Slides aligns  perfectly with Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, used for teacher evaluation in many states and with Cognia’s Performance Standards.

It is amazing how such a simple instructional process can have such a wide ranging impact on student learning and engagement.”  Craig Parkinson, Superintendent, Chester Upland SD

“The Power Slide has definitely been a great tool for our staff and more importantly for our students.  It gives the middle level learner focus and structure throughout the lesson and students have responded positively.  Implementing this in every classroom has enabled our students to know what the expectations for the day are as soon as they enter each of their classes.  It has truly been a great instructional tool at this level.”  Christine Sigfried, Principal, Upper Perkiomen Middle School

“Power Slide – Check in, Check on, Check out ℠  keeps me focused and on schedule. They are easy to use and help me communicate what’s most important to my students.”  Amanda B. Math, PWHS 

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